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2nr premium APKs

Keep your phone number private and add a virtual number in the app.
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3.63/5 Votes: 1029
This app developed by
MobileLabs Sp. z o.o.
Update Date
Mar 24, 2024
⇣ 3087
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We present to your hands our long-awaited new 2nr application.

The application consists of the default basic version and the paid premium version. The basic version offers users a 3-day number validity period, the ability to receive SMS and send contact invitations. The premium option already has a wider spectrum of functions. The number is valid for 7 days, but it is possible to extend it up to a year for a fee. You can send text messages with any content, and receive SMS and MMS messages. It is also possible to receive calls, as well as make them directly from the application. Outgoing calls and messages are limited to Polish numbers. The condition for using the premium version is to verify your identity and top up your account.

Due to security reasons, devices with a modified Android system have been excluded from using the application.

We invite you to try it out :)


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