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Stealth Shooter APKs

Hit the bad guys, become a super assassin and survive
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4.29/5 Votes: 2158
This app developed by
Hoopsly FZE
Update Date
Jan 31, 2024
⇣ 6474
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Welcome to Stealth Shooter, a fun casual game where you must defeat bad guys like in spy and super agent movies!

As a secret assassin, destroy your enemies and don't let them find you out. If enemy raises the alarm, your mission will fail. Play carefully and try to survive

Be prepared for the chase. The enemy can find you and then the mission ends with the chase, in which you have to get away from the pursuers. Use all your skills so that the enemies won’t catch you.

Survive by using a different spy weapon. You have a many different bows to choose from. You can try fire, ice and even poisoned arrows. Choose the weapon you like and use super attack that can destroy all enemies in one shot.

It's time to complete the first mission. Take your weapon and go for it. Test your skills and try to survive!

Stealth Shooter is a completely free casual game!


- Interesting action casual game
- Beautiful 3D graphics
- Intuitive controls
- Simple interface
- Many different levels. Try to survive in each


bugs fixes


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