An APP aimed at improving communication in the CAF company.
It will allow you to access the information you are looking for and usual services in an agile and simple way.
With a railway sector news section , to be informed of everything that happens.
Access to the most useful resources, with magazines and newsletters, product catalog, work calendar, company services (restaurant, bus, scholarship application forms ...) always up-to-date.
And shuttle section with all the applications and services linked to CAF company, with direct links.
Through a notification service that the user can activate and deactivate at any time, CAF APP is born as a tool that aims to be the most direct communication channel.
A CAF APP with sector news and company information
Information about CAF APP
Package Name | com.tak.caf.empleados |
License | Free | |
Op. System | Android | |
Language |
English + 15
Author | Wetak | |
Downloads | 10000 | |
Date | Feb 20, 2024 | |
Advertisement | Not specified |