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Infinity for Reddit APKs

Infinity, the infinitely better Reddit browsing experience
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2.82/5 Votes: 9135
This app developed by
Docile Alligator
Update Date
Jun 5, 2024
⇣ 27405
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Infinity is a beautiful, feature-rich app that offers a smooth Reddit browsing experience. It is completely ad-less; you can browse Reddit without interruptions or distractions. Built by a passionate university student, Infinity is open source. Please check out, support or contribute to the project at https://github.com/Docile-Alligator/Infinity-For-Reddit!

You are required to subscribe inside the app to enjoy Infinity since Reddit now charges for its API service. Thank you for your understanding.

Help translate this app: https://poeditor.com/join/project/b2IRyfaJv6

A subreddit for this app is available: https://www.reddit.com/r/Infinity_For_Reddit/

Highlighted features:

Lazy mode:

Automatic scrolling of posts enables you to enjoy amazing content without moving your thumb.

Multi-account support:

Switch to different accounts instantaneously.

Night theme:

Beautifully designed night theme


Back up and restore comment filters.
Login with your Google account.
Prepare to show online themes.
Minor bugs fixed.


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