Keyboard ManMan is an English/Thai keyboard with "most likely pressed key" prediction based on language statistics.
To enable this keyboard:
Click "Open" and follow 2 steps in setup wizard.
- At home screen, press a menu button
- Select Settings > Language & keyboard
- Select 'Keyboard ManMan'
- Press and hold on any text input, then select Input Method -> 'Keyboard ManMan' again
- ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE required to check if Google Voice Type is available or not
Keyboard ManMan
English/Thai keyboard with "most likely pressed key" prediction
Information about Keyboard ManMan
Package Name | net.siamdev.nattster.manman | |
License | Free | |
Op. System | Android | |
Category | TOOLS | |
Language |
English + 15
Author | Natt Piyapramote | |
Downloads | 10000 | |
Date | Aug 14, 2024 | |
Advertisement | Not specified |