My Tabla beats is a real tabla where you will feel like a Tabla Master , Basically My tabla is a Real afghani Beats system that implement tabla music sampler so that tabla master can play it with other instrument like rabab and guitar, Basically this app have been developed by sohail star , So enjoy tabla taal and rythams...
My Tabla beats is a real tabla where you will feel like a Tabla Master
معلومات عن My Tabla
اسم الحزمة | com.sohailstar.mytabla |
الترخيص | Free | |
نظام التشغيل | Android | |
الفئة | App | |
اللغة |
English + 15
المؤلف | sohailmoonstar | |
التحميلات | 10000 | |
التاريخ | 07 Oct, 2024 | |
إعلان | غير محدد |