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Apple CarPlay Navigation- CarPlay For Android Auto

5471 Bewertungen

Apple CarPlay Navigation For Android : easier & more convenient

Apple CarPlay Navigation Guide Android Auto Maps doesn’t include every app on your smartphone, because playing on your car dashboard is clearly a disaster waiting to happen, and some elements of apps are replaced by voice and dictation.
In simple terms, Apple CarPlay Navigation App - CarPlay For Android takes the user interface of your smartPhone and puts it onto the infotainment screen of your car dashboard.
Apple CarPlay Navigation- CarPlay For Android Auto guide performs many of the same functions as an smartPhone with free hands. Motorists can use the software to get turn-by-turn directions, make calls, send and receive text messages, and listen to music or podcasts. The features are displayed on an easy-to-use interface with large icons that smartPhone users will instantly recognize.
Apple CarPlay Navigation- CarPlay For Android Auto guide doesn’t include every app on your smartphone, because playing on your car dashboard is clearly a disaster waiting to happen, and some elements of apps are replaced by voice and dictation.

Informationen über Apple CarPlay Navigation- CarPlay For Android Auto

Paketname carplay.android_carplay.applecarplay
Lizenz Free
Betriebssystem Android
Kategorie App
Sprache English
+ 15
Autor RoLila Team
Downloads 10000
Datum 29 Sep, 2024
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