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Download free Xunta de Galicia apps for Android

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Atriga icon
Atriga provides its mobile application for smart devices.
Official Dairy Control of Galicia
Digalego icon
Galician dictionary on the Internet
GaliciaAberta icon
Join this app in the activities of the SX Emigration of the Xunta de Galicia
A guía de especies pesqueiras icon
This guide can view information about fish species in Galicia.
Museo das Peregrinacións icon
This application makes the visit easier for the people who go to the exhibition
O Camiño en Vigo.Non te perdas icon
Guide you through Vigo and in the stages of the Way through RA
Perceguru icon
PERCEGURÚ gives an ocean-weather forecast of the barnacle areas at 3 days
PescadeRías ¿de onde se non? icon
Get to know everything about fish, from where else?
Pescreativa icon
Recreational sea fishing licenses.
Redogal icon
Network of observers of the Galician marine environment
Tráeme icon
School educational mobile transportation