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Math Games: Math for Kids

62459 리뷰
10000 다운로드

Math Games For Kids To Learn Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division.

Want to improve your kid's math skills? ❓ How about helping your kids master mathematics with fun, free math games? ✔️ Math Games is the perfect way to help children learn math skills the easy way! 👍

Our math games for kids is super fun! Solve a wide variety of math puzzles, brain teasers, and brain math puzzles using nothing more than basic arithmetic. Pick up new skills in addition ➕, subtraction ➖, multiplication ✖️, and division, ➗ or get more advanced with fractions ¼, decimals •, and mixed operations.

📚 Learn from all the fun free educational modes below:
◾ Addition games - 1, 2, or 3 digit addition, sequential addition, plus more addition games.
◾ Subtraction games - 1, 2, 3 digit subtraction game to learn how to subtract
◾ Multiplication games - Best practice game to learn multiplication tables and multiplying methods.
◾ Division games - Learn to divide by playing multiple fun division games
◾ Fractions - Step-by-step learning of fraction calculation, fun and easy way to learn fractions.
◾ Decimals - Fun adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing decimal modes to learn
◾ Square Roots - Practice squares and square roots, learn how to squares a number
◾ Exponents - Practice exponent problems
◾ Mixed operations - Put your knowledge to the test by practicing addition, subtraction, multiplication, division all in one mode!

All of these math games are free to enjoy, and they're suitable for all ages, from kids to adults. 🎯 Within this educational kids app, we've tried to teach kids step-by-step how to add, subtract, multiply and divide. Anyone who wants to hone their skills by playing math games is welcome to download and try them out! ✨

Test your addition, subtraction, multiplication, and other number skills in the following modes:
🎴 Memory Match - Flip number memory cards and match answers to the equations.
⏲️ Challenge Mode - Finish the puzzles before time runs out!
👫 Dual Mode - Split-screen interface for two players.

Math games for kids should be fun! ✔️ Our math app is suitable for children in kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, or 6th grade, and of course, any teenager or adult who is interested in training their brain and improving their math skills! ✏️

📌 Our math games are tested on our kids first and made with love. 🤩 We'd like to think our math games are filled with endless math worksheets, which kids can practice over and over again. 📓 Within our math app, we've tried to teach addition, subtraction, multiplication, division to the best of our ability. 🎯 We would love to improve the game further for kids in kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, and 5th grade - so please let us know grade specific what else we can add to the math game. 📢 If you enjoy our collection of free kids games, all we ask in return is that you share the games with friends and family.

👉 What are you waiting for? Download the funnest new math game today for free! 🔥

정보 Math Games: Math for Kids

패키지 이름 com.rvappstudios.math.games.kids.addition.subtraction.multiplication.division
라이선스 Free
운영 체제 Android
언어 English
+ 15
저자 RV AppStudios
다운로드 10000
날짜 Feb 21, 2025
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