Ouiici APKs

With the Ouiici app, find out who sells what you hunt for.
다운로드 APK
4.3/5 평가: 5471
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업데이트 날짜
17 Aug, 2023
⇣ 16413
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During a flea market, a garage sale, a clearance sale or any other similar event, the Ouiici app makes it easier to find bargain hunters and sellers.

The bargain hunters can search the application. So the salespeople answer "Yes here, I have what you are looking for". All that remains for bargain hunters is to locate on the map the exhibitors (sellers) who sell the items they are looking for.

The bargain hunters and the exhibitors can obtain their Yes PASS here at any time on D-day of the flea market. But also 1 day before the event to familiarize yourself with the application interface.

The bargain hunters locate their positions to allow the application to verify that they are on the spot. Same thing for exhibitors (sellers) who will also have to locate their stands on the map.

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