Avatar Maker: Birds APKs

Conquer the sky with your winged pet!
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: 5471
Ta aplikacja opracowana przez
Avatars Makers Factory
Data aktualizacji
10 Feb, 2024
⇣ 16413
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A huge, boundless sky, a whole unknown world that calls and attracts special people! But how can one conquer this blue sky without wings?
It's easy - just call a winged pet with the help of our maker...

Create your own personal bird! You can easily choose its size, wingspan, plumage and much more. And to better match the surroundings, you can adjust its emotions or even add a little magic!

🌈 Full color palette - the sky doesn't have to be blue...
🐥 Cuteness in every feather!
✨ Easy fantasy details - who says a bird can't have cat ears?

Who do you like better? A sparrow, a furry owl, a proud eagle or a magic phoenix? We will help you choose) Or... Why choose when you can combine!

🐦 Maximum adjustments for your bird's appearance
💮 Cute accessories and clothes for every occasion, even for cosplay
🏮 Lots of magic references and secrets

Well, of course, it would be great if you could come up with a story for your feathered friend. It doesn't like pigs? Or its purpose in life is to deliver magic letters to children? Or is it an air fighter in a pet competition? All this can turn into a funny fanfic or even a real story! Well, you already have an illustration for that 😉

🍁 A huge variety of backgrounds
💨 Ease to create - freedom for your creativity
💟 You can quickly save a picture or send it to your friends

Do you want new items? Write to us - we will try to add them. Even this maker was created after numerous requests on social media 💬



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