Xayn Private News Reader APKs

Goodbye from Xayn News Reader
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4.3/5 Votos: 5471
Este aplicativo desenvolvido por
Xayn AG
Data da atualização
16 Aug, 2023
⇣ 16413
Nome do pacote

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The Xayn App has gone through many challenges & tough times this year.

Unfortunately, we have to share the very sad news, that we will discontinue the Xayn app from the app stores. This decision wasn’t easy, but it was necessary.

Special thank you goes to Xayn users for your trust and support from day one. You were the reason we started this product. Your engagement and continuous feedback were our key drivers to continuously challenge the status quo and upgrade your experience. It makes us truly sad that we won’t continue this journey together.

The app will continue to function as planned until 2nd January 2023. Your subscription will be automatically canceled during December (auto-renewable subscriptions are stopped). Xayn will still be available for download and all new users will be able to use it for free for 28 days.

However, on 2nd January 2023 we will “turn off the engine” and the app will not be in function. Soon after that, we will remove it from the app stores.

For the reasoning behind this decision and for any further information, feel free to visit our website: https://www.xayn.com/newsreader

Goodbye and thank you from Xayn News Reader!


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