Clubhouse APKs

huuuge group voice notes
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Alpha Exploration Co.
Update Date
Jun 12, 2024
⇣ 1699515
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Imagine a huuuge group voice note with all your friends on it.

You share a random thought and your best friend replies... then 2 minutes later another friend replies to both of you. Then your coworker replies to Kate, and they didn’t know each other before, but now they do, because they’re both friends with you, and now everybody’s talking.

And throughout the day new friends are saying hi, starting new chats, talking about what they’re doing, laughing and asking questions. And you’re hearing their voices, seeing who’s talking and joining in, and meeting their friends, and everybody’s getting to know each other better. And it’s good.

That’s what Clubhouse is.

It’s just voice. No follower counts or random people. Only your friends and their friends, in a place where you can all be yourselves and hang out like you do in real life.

Because life is more fun with friends around.
