Flexible work with more than 2,500 companies. Many jobs with no experience needed. No CVs.
How it works
Get a job near you by visiting one of our branches. To find a branch, search for “Job&Talent” online and either call or visit in person during the local branch office hours. Once you’ve met with one of our recruiters and you’ve got a job, download our app.
Our app lets you accept shifts, keep track of your hours you work and more.
Job&Talent. Work, made easy.
關於 Job&Talent: Get work today
套件名稱 | com.jobandtalent.android |
許可證 | Free | |
作業系統 | Android | |
類別 | BUSINESS | |
語言 |
English + 15
作者 | Jobandtalent | |
下載次數 | 10000 | |
日期 | Jan 31, 2025 | |
廣告 | 未指定 |