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Sketshare - Collaborative Whit APKs

Collaboration . Whiteboard . Canvas . Online Meetings .
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2.74/5 Votes: 1196
This app developed by
Sketshare LTD
Update Date
Mar 30, 2023
⇣ 3588
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Sketshare is a virtual whiteboard with real-time collaboration. For everyone who needs to connect remotely with others for a quick brainstorming session, this user-friendly online collaborative whiteboard is ideal. Sketshare will change the culture of brainstorming and collaboration by providing fantastic tools and features to connect individuals utilizing voice and video communications via online meetings. You'll be able to work, study and play on a single digital canvas on real-time.

Sketshare for ALL!
With Sketshare you will be able to link with multiple people and discuss virtually through the platform collaborative whiteboard in real-time like no other. It enables people from different sectors to build their visions together.

Sketshare also help businesses to build better collaboration cultures within their corporates. We provide multiple plans to suite the business requirement with ready-made set of features utilizing Sketshare simple platform.


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