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Car Simulator M5: Police APKs

Police car simulator - you traffic cop and theft auto, driving patrol car M5
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Update Date
Nov 14, 2023
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You are a traffic police officer - a Russian driver. You have to get behind the wheel of an M5 series traffic police car. Patrol the free Rest City - collect money and upgrade your police auto. Track down grand criminals, grand gangsters and theft auto mans.

Other game features:
- Traffic Cop Simulator - real police chase war!
- Detailed patrol car of the traffic police M5 - doors, bonnet and boot can be opened.
- The small Russian town of Rest-City lives its own life - people are in a hurry to go about their business, cars drive according to the rules of the road, but some of them do not comply with traffic rules and get into an crash.
- You can play as a seasoned traffic cop or a young and inexperienced police girl.
- Find realtors on the streets of the city - you can buy real estate from them.
- Go to the police station (cops garage) - here you can improve your police car - increase engine power, increase speed, install a sports spoiler, replace wheels, tinted glass, repaint the body.
- Turn on the police siren on your auto!


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