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SMS Organizer

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10000 التحميلات

Focus on the SMS important to you with SMS Organizer, a Microsoft Garage Project

SMS Organizer, a Microsoft Garage project, is the smartest of all SMS apps. It automatically organizes your inbox, sets reminders and keeps track of them, all this magic happens on your device safely, without any of your personal data being uploaded anywhere online. Never miss anything important—switch to SMS Organizer as your default SMS app to experience it now!

Why use SMS Organizer:

Automatic reminders
Never miss your appointments! SMS Organizer gives you automatic reminders for upcoming trains, flights, buses, movies, hotel reservations, doctor appointments and even for bill payments. Also, create a custom reminder to help you remember anything you want.

Smart assist for tasks
Check Flight status, do web check-in, pay bill, book a cab—all of this and more—directly through reminders. SMS Organizer helps you complete important tasks by guiding you to the right web-page/app at the right time.

Type with voice
Save time by composing SMS by speaking into the mic, with the help of our speech-to-text capabilities.

Forward bills to any contact
Want someone else to pay? Share any bill with your contacts to automatically remind them to pay on time.

Save battery with ‘dark theme’
Switch to the beautiful new dark theme—to see better in sunlight or whenever you feel like.

Auto-backup keeps you safe
Back up your messages to Google Drive. If you lose your phone, switch to a new one or even format it, your messages will be safe. Restore your messages when you reinstall SMS Organizer.

Personalize as you like
Star an SMS for quick access or block spam senders. Also, customize notifications, ringtones and font size. Reply to messages directly from the notification drawer, without going to the app.

View unread messages easily
Quickly filter down to see only your unread messages, without being disturbed by the ones you’ve already read.

It works offline
All the amazing features work perfectly without any internet.


We would love to hear from you
If you have any feedback, questions or concerns, feel free to email us at [email protected]

SMS Organizer is a Microsoft Garage project. The Microsoft Garage turns fresh ideas into real projects. Learn more about The Garage at: http://microsoft.com/garage

معلومات عن SMS Organizer

اسم الحزمة com.microsoft.android.smsorganizer
الترخيص Free
نظام التشغيل Android
اللغة English
+ 15
المؤلف Microsoft Corporation
التحميلات 10000
التاريخ Sep 12, 2024
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